DIY crafts have become a very popular practice. This art is practically practiced by people of all ages and sexes. The most passionate say that DIY can be a very effective remedy for stress and bad mood.
Among students, it is considered to be one of the best ways to save time and money. Some basic knowledge should be taken into account before getting started. To do this, you can find lots of YouTube videos with step by step instructions to create your own crafts while getting some rest from assignments. And while you are at DIY journey, Edubirdie helps with essay writing and allows you to have time for personal hobbies without ruining your academic performance. Moreover, DIY crafts is a great way to recycle your old print-outs and hand-written assignments.
It is often more economical than buying “ready-made” and definitely greener! The ideas presented to you are perfect when you have a small budget to furnish and decorate. Among other things, for young students who will move into their first apartment or when buying the first house, this is a great way to give their new home some personal touch without spending a fortune!.
Before sending your old books and papers to the recycling center, why not treat them to a peaceful retreat as a decorative element? Here are 6 ideas for decorating with old books!
Make flowers out of paper

The presence of a genuine plant or flower in a student’s room can have both positive and negative effects on them. You may expect some people to take up this task. However, for the majority of pupils, the danger of plant mortality and wilting is far higher.
Start creating paper flowers for your students’ dorms. You can’t kill them and their vivid colors enhance your attitude, so that’s a huge plus!
For this activity in your dorm room, you can use printer paper, tissue paper, or crepe paper. Scissors and glue are all you need to make these artificial flowers. In addition, whether you desire a little or a large arrangement of flowers will affect the paper’s size.
A Pretty Birdhouse
I love recycling books on the theme of birds by turning them into a little cabin!
This idea is easy to replicate and would be perfect to brighten up a child’s room or to integrate as a decorative element in a bookcase.
You can either use an already existing birdhouse and glue book covers onto it for decor to create a masterpiece. Alternatively, you can build your own birdhouse or even turn it into a creative lamp! However, be careful as a custom-made birdhouse won’t be able to stand the rain and snow.
Wreath Created with Book Pages
We love the old-fashioned and romantic aspect of this crown.
Your own book page wreath does not have to have a specific size. Want one that’s ten feet tall? You are capable of doing so! What about a small wall wreath? It’s a breeze. Measuring the base of an existing wreath that is the desired size can give you your measurements.
We just used pages from an old novel that we rolled up and tied with a jute string. Admit that the effect is interesting!
A Mobile out of Paper

A great idea for a child’s room. An old bicycle wheel and papers or comic book pages folded into little planes create the most beautiful of mobiles!
Star Garland
Always with recycled comics. Cut out the pages in the shape of stars, circles, or hearts. Put them through the sewing machine to make a colorful garland. You could also tie them to a sturdy rope or colored ribbon. Have you thought about using your collection of Archie who sleeps in his box in the basement?
And you can always change the shape of your garland for a new holiday coming up! Seeing that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to switch out the stars for hearts! Instead of a star, draw a half-heart on your paper this time.
Reuse Your Cardboard Boxes
To prevent your cables from tangling and if you are not using all your shoe boxes for storage, we recommend that you use one intended to store and hide all your sockets.
Using a cutter, cut out several holes beforehand corresponding to the number of sockets available on the multiple sockets that you will put in the box. This way, you can run all your charger cables through it. Repeat for the extension cable. For a cleaner look, install metal loops and then decorate the box according to your tastes.
Create Paper Desk Organizers
Another realization from cardboard: transfer boxes to store your documents. To make them, you will need a box of cereal (or some other dry food) that you will have to carefully unfold to put it back flat. Using a cutter (or a chisel) then cut out the two top bands that initially served to close the box as well as a rectangle on the top in the center.
To personalize it, you can either paint the cardboard or cover it with wallpaper. For this last option, transfer the shape of the cardboard onto the chosen support twice. Once to cover the inside so you don’t see the color of the cardboard and the second for the outside. Be sure to leave a margin on the one you stick on the outside.
Glue the inside (borderless) to your template. Then, paste the whole thing to your wallpaper with a margin. To help you with the folding, cut out the corners and fold the strips onto one and the same side, which will be inside your box.
Then fold the template back together. Be careful to choose a quick-setting glue and to use weights so that the surface adheres during the drying time. Here is an effective tutorial to sort your papers and keep them organized!
With these DIY decorating ideas, your bedroom will not be ugly but warm. Now you can sit comfortably in your bedroom, reading all of these many reviews on the best essay writing services. Start creating and implementing these decorating ideas and make the place you live comfortable and stylish.